
Am I A Genius


No, I am not a genius. Or rather, I'm not sure. I've never had my IQ tested, but I doubt it's genius-level. I do "well enough" in school, but that's mostly due to a lack of effort on my part, and a lack of motivation on society's part; Not because I'm unintelligent. My reading and vocabulary skills are substantially higher than the average 8th grader, and quite possibly most high-schoolers. My reading level at the 6th grade was 12.9, equal to that of a high-school senior, so unfortunately I can't get it any higher on paper. I'm very quick with mental math, but that just comes from practice, not being a genius.
A real genius is someone like Scott Flansburg; He is the world record holder for the fastest mathematical calculations. Give him any math problem and he'll solve it in his head, faster than any other human, and faster than you can type it in a calculator. I can solve relatively simple problems like this. Ex: Yesterday in math class I was given the problem "94 is the sum of what 4 consecutive integers?" And in about 5 seconds I had the answer. (22, 23, 24, 25,) My math partner gave me kind of a puzzled look, but when she solved it and found that I was right, she thought I was a genius.

I guess everyone's definition of "genius" is different, but to most people I am not a genius; I am just a slightly above-average teenager who tries just hard enough to pass classes and occasionally shows signs of genius.


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